主要研究方向为海藻种质资源保存、鉴定、应用及经济海藻良种产业化;为国家藻类产业技术体系首席科学家兼裙带菜种质资源收集与育种岗位科学家,山东省泰山学者特聘专家(2018-2022),世界海藻协会委员会(International Seaweed Association Council, ISAC)专家委员(中国唯一代表),中国水产原种和良种审定委员会专家委员,中国海藻学会分会理事长(2015-2019),山东省良种审定委员会专家委员,农业农村部渔业专家咨询委员会委员,中国藻业协会专家委员会主任,威海经济海藻种质资源重点实验室专家委员会主任,Journal of Phycology(应用海藻学)学术期刊编辑委员会成员。共发表学术论文90余篇。
Research interest
At present, as the principal investigator of the seaweed culture collection center, I am leading the team working on the following directions, (1) maintaining stock cultures of important micro and macro-algae species, (2) establishment of novel seedling production techniques of kelps and Sargassum spp, (3) selective breeding for productive strains of Laminaria, Undaria and Hizikia, (4) stressful physiology of farmed seaweeds, (5) population genetics of farmed seaweeds, (6) barcoding identification of seaweed flora, (7) biology of Ulva spp.
Our financial support comes from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China (CARS-50, Coordinator since 2017), the Chinese Academy of Sciences (stock culture supplemental supporting program), the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (classification and long-term maintaining of macro-algae in the northern regions), the Natural Science Foundation of China (Sino-Norway program to work on iodine issue).
Our team have established strong co-operations with seaweed farming enterprises in China and have independently bred four seaweed varieties in the past 10 years all of which have been widely used in the farming industry.
1993,Ph.D. in Marine Biology (seaweeds), Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
1990,M.S. in Marine Biology, Ocean University of China, China
1987,B.A. Shandong College of Oceanography, China
* POSITIONS (Current and Previous)
2004-,Principal investigator of Seaweed Culture Collection Centre (www.caslivealgae.com)/Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences/ China
2017-,Coordinator of CARS-50 (algae)/ Ministry of Agriculture of China/ China
2008-,Committee member/ International seaweed association council (ISAC)
2008-,Committee member/ Chinese Aquaculture Association/ China
2017-,Consultative committee member/ Ministry of Agriculture of China/ China
2018-,Taishan Scholar/ People's Government of Shandong Province/ China
2015-2019,President/Chinese Society of Phycology/ China
*Certification in new kelp variety breeding
2013,New variety of Undaria pinnatifida named Haibao No.1 (GS-01-010-2013) / Ministry of Agriculture of China
2014,New variety of Undaria pinnatifida named Haibao No.2 (GS-01-012-2014)/ Ministry of Agriculture of China
2014,New variety of Saccharina japonica named 205 (GS-01-010-2014) / Ministry of Agriculture of China
2021,New variety of Saccharina japonica named Zhongbao No.1 (GS-02-002-2021) / Ministry of Agriculture of China
(1)逄少军(1/7);黄海绿潮浒苔溯源及爆发机制研究, 国家海洋局,海洋科学技术奖,二等奖,2013(逄少军; 刘峰; 陆勤勤; 单体锋; 胡传明; 高素芹; 朱庙先).
国家级水产新品种证书 (第一发明人)
(1) 我国第一个优质高产早熟裙带菜新品种“海宝1号”(品种登记号:GS-01-010-2013);
(2) 我国第二个优质高产晚熟裙带菜新品种“海宝2号”(品种登记号:GS-01-012-2014);
(3) 优质、抗逆海带新品种“海带205”(品种登记号:GS-01-010-2014);
(4) 高产优质海带新品种“中宝1号”(品种登记号:GS-02-002-2021)。